A Review of the Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Fighting Game

The idea of crossover in games certainly isn't a new one and one of the games that made this concept a hit is undeniably the Marvel VS Capcom Game. This unique and heart-racing fighting game is certainly one of the most iconic with its roster of characters that are bound to make anyone feel excited. It's the fight between Marvel Characters and those from Capcom! What did you expect? With the epic moves, prowess and graphics shown throughout the sequels of the game, it is not surprising that many out there have already set their sights on the newest installment of the game which is the Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite.

The Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite, is the sixth in line in the crossover sequel of games of the Marvel VS Capcom franchise. When everyone expected a blast of praise for the game, there were many who said otherwise. There's no doubt that the bumpy ride of this game as it was launched, has become very evident. However, what players should remember is that behind this game, there are still many factors that work aside from those which are said to have failed.

Learn More About Marvel VS Capcom: infinite


Some of the players out there will surely say that the roster of characters in the Marvel VS Capcom is slightly surprising in a dismaying way. However, it's not all bad especially if you think about the new characters that have been spawned in this iconic title or brand. You'll surely feel the superheroes come to life as you play the game and there's no doubt that you'll feel your blood racing in excitement as you control them and battle it out with other players.


The graphics of the game is what you'd expect from this title. It's high-quality, crisp and vibrant. However, the more detailed approach of observing the game will surely reveal that there are still some flaws existing on its graphics. Nevertheless, that's simply a minor setback for the game and more importantly, it is still better than previous games by a long shot.

What's New?

If you think about it, some of what the people say to have failed, is all about the technical perspective of the game from its graphics and sounds. However, even with them the game still works and if you only focus on the new things, you'll see that the game is truly deserving of its name and this new addition to its brand.

For instance, the game has been known for its three-man team, on, in this case, three-superhero team. However, Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite has thrown out the idea of the three-man team and instead, brought forth the option for infinity stones. This has created a new and more exciting variation to the game that many would surely love. The infinity stones are basically power-ups to your team and when you use it, everything simply melds and harmoniously become a stunning game.

Although some people out there were also disappointed due to the disappearance of some of the iconic characters in this brand which includes Wolverine, Storm and more, let us look at the fact that there are new characters that have replaced them. Though some may feel as though this has made a hole in the game's seemingly decent and quality structure, there's no doubt that time is all you need for you to get accommodated to the new characters of the game.


The Marvel VS Capcom: Infinite game can be considered one of the best Capcom games today and although it may have brought some mixed reviews from the numerous fans of the crossover franchise, there are still those who were satisfied and hooked to the game. Without a doubt, it will all boil down to personal preference but if you think about it more, there's no doubt that this is certainly better than the previous ones in its franchise.